The Puttymoon main page
So what can you find here?
At first - how to maintain this site?
You really should READ IT, dude!!!
The story
What is this all about?
The Hero
Putty, Putty: who or what is it?
The aim of the game
What shall I do there?
The game menu
What does it try to tell me?
Guide to the levels,
stages and enemies
Bonus items
Score and awards
Symbology in Hall of fame
The game package
The photos of the boxes
Who are the authors of the game?
What else could I learn?
Also called "trivia"
with the Putty coder
Useful links
Level maps summary
Contains also Silly putty extra map
and preview map
Other game versions
Putty Squad
Sequel to Putty games
Puttymoon memories
or so called Guestbook
The Diary
Updates on Puttymoon
Few gifts for you
Puttymoon team
And finally - WHO the HELL
is responsible for this silly web?