Main page
The Puttymoon authors
It realy took a long time to build the Puttymoon. The whole site comes from two Czech Amiga fans, Predseda and Chain (maybe you already noticed these names over Lemonamiga or EAB forums). We both love Putty so we decided to build this little website as a tribute. Of course - all the graphics comes from the game itself, we only modified it a little to fit the page, grabbed the sprites and spent sleeples nights by converting, re-animating and arranging them to usable form. If you like it, or even if you dislike it, please, leave a feedback in our guestbook.
Dedicated to Richard Joseph, the author of the music, who died on lung cancer on 4th of March 2007 in the age of 54. You will be never forgotten, RJ.
Done on Spring 2007.
Credits for this site
We would like to thank to the following people:
Tommy Stenberg (StarEye) of EAB, who contributed us the photos of GBH Silly Putty release package.
Dan Phillips for valuable infos about the game
David Crooks (Retro Gamer magazine) for helping us with the site promotion
Killergorilla of EAB for his advices where to find the preview and for cunstructive critics
x_to for GFXrip which helped us a lot.
Toni Willen for WinUAE
Our girl/friends for patience as it took a long time to develop Puttymoon.
How we proved the game during Puttymoon development:

Playing Putty on 4 various computers while launched by 4 various methods:
From left
Putty on Amiga 600 + Commodore 1701, launched from the original floppy
Super Putty on CD32 + TV, launched from the CD
Putty on Amiga 1200 + Commodore 1084S, launched from WHDLoad (second original floppy install)
Silly Putty in WinUAE emulator

Putty on Chain's minimig (the Amiga 500 clone)

And finally, Putty came, and freed himself from his binary jail!